We are being cajoled as a society into believing the contradiction that ‘death with dignity’ means killing ourselves, or letting someone else kill us.
Read MoreIn considering our own death, we may entertain a strong wish that there be no more sufferings on the other side, especially when it comes to justifying our decision to engage in physician-assisted suicide. Simply having such a wish, however, does not actually make it so.
Read MoreSetting a moral vision for one's children can be a Herculean task requiring enormous dedication.
Read MoreWhen young women immodestly display their feminine attributes and participate in pornography, they end up objectifying themselves, trivializing their sexuality, and harming their interpersonal relationships.
Read MoreAs new legal initiatives begin appearing on state legislative dockets, Americans will have an opportunity to mount a full court press to bring abortion to an end in their home states.
Read MoreRenewing hope for conflict-laden humanity begins precisely in the acknowledgement of each other’s humanity, strengthening those fraternal bonds on which peace is grounded.
Read MoreVulnerable young people, caught up in the pressure of the moment, have too easily been drawn into life-altering pathways involving medications and scalpels with their frequently irreversible effects.
Read MoreThe careful hijacking of language by purveyors of wrongdoing is a widely-deployed tactic in the battle for the soul of every culture.
Read MoreThere are few, if any, ‘bottom lines’ when it comes to research ethics. The lines have become exceedingly flexible, if the price is right or if a particular political administration wants to redraw them.
Read MoreWe need to attend carefully to the graced realities we regularly handle lest we end up squandering or losing our sense of the sacred.
Read MoreWe need to recognize how God has entrusted to each of us a small garden that he asks us to tend.
Read MoreThe moral outrage and public reaction to Michelle’s behavior reveals a striking irony at the heart of Conrad’s suicide, namely, that similar indignation about encouraging someone to commit suicide is almost entirely absent when it comes to “physician-assisted” suicide.
Read MoreEncouraging exceptions is the entry point into a broader repudiation of our moral duties towards each other, the first of which is the duty to respect the inviolability of each other’s life.
Read MoreApproximately half a billion dollars of taxpayer money is received annually by Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of ‘pregnancy terminations’ in the United States.
Read More…medical marijuana seems to be receiving “special status” and is being “fast-tracked” for legalization, when it should instead be subject to the standard scientific verifications of the FDA approval process to assure its efficacy and safety.
Read MoreMany people appreciate that the Catholic Church holds firm and well-defined positions on moral questions, even if they may remain unsure about how or why the Church actually arrives at those positions, especially when it comes to unpacking new scientific developments like embryonic stem cell research.
Read MoreMost of us, in fact, have probably granted our emotions leeway to trump our better moral judgment somewhere along the line.
Read MoreGood parents never drive their children to strip clubs, and neither should any institution entrusted with a protective parental role; on the contrary, such institutions should erect appropriate boundaries and limits on harmful behaviors, so their residents can grow and flourish...
Read More...the home setting needs to differ from the outside world, serving as an oasis and a protected environment for children.
Read MorePart of the unethical character of drug abuse flows from the fact that we are treating something good, namely our personal, conscious experience as if it were an evil to be avoided.
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